
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Its over for the rainbow at 6:31 am

When you live with a nature enthusiast extraordinaire you can expect certain inconveniences. 

With the closing of the chasse hunting season September to Februrary I was ready to relish Sundays à deux - perhaps a conversation or even a lunch.    So it was with surprise on Saturday at 5a.m. Jean Marie is off and out - I have an appointment at 6:31am. he whispers up the stairs.  Ok I get it - the opening of the fishing season at 6:31 a.m. exactly on the 12th of March  - a time set by the French official angling authorities.  What is intriguing is the 1 minute after 30.   This is calculated by the time of sunrise minus 30 minutes.   The rules are strict and there is an angling bag limit of 6 trout per day.  (*see article in the Bien Public)
Why this precise time - if Jean Marie caught a fish at 6:25 a.m. he would have a fine to pay but 6 minutes later would be all right.    Fishing rules which I won't even begin to understand and less explain here.

Malheur de malheur - there we go again – ooooh la la ! early rising – wet clothes– gone all day long - but there is a good omen in all of this.  
Well that was lucky he caught just six beautiful rainbow trout.  Poor little things happily swimming in the river and along came a nice juicy worm...

Look what I got in my kitchen sink Saturday evening.

They must be scraped, cut open with scissors, cleaned, then dried with kitchen paper.
Now where do I start?

A good wash is essential.

Then in the frying pan with butter and oil – the fish are floured and salted and peppered.  

A table!  Truly delicious trout served with carrots and beetroot for colour.

(Le Bien Public Dijon vendredi 11 2011)

Les premiers lancers d’un pêcheur débutant

Giovani en guide expert et professionnel nous propose la tenue type du pêcheur débutant pour demain matin.  Photo Roxanne Gauthier 

C’est l’ouverture de la truite demain en Côte-d’Or. L’occasion de faire le point sur cette pratique et pourquoi pas, de s’initier aussi.
Truites. L’ouverture de la pêche à la truite samedi, marque le début de la saison, car les brochets suivront un peu plus tard, à la mi-mai. No-kill. Cette expression est chère à de plus en plus de
pêcheurs qui mettent un point d’honneur à relâcher leur prise. Sportive. La pêche est devenue une pratique sportive, renouvelant ainsi son image ainsi qu’une partie de son public composé de femmes.

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When I was

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