
Thursday, 13 October 2016

The subject for this writing group project was - The moment of Truth

The moment of truth …….

…….The moment of truth When you rush to get your train only to discover when you hear the announcement by the conductor that you’re going in the wrong direction

……The moment of truth When you buy a very large packet of dried dog food - haul it to the car then  lug it up the steep steps home - feed your by then starving dog only to discover that they are the wrong brand and she won’t eat them

……The moment of truth When you find that stamped ready to post envelope that has been hiding under the linen pile to find that it was an unpaid bill and the fine is even bigger than the bill itself

…..The moment of truth is when A glance in an outside mirror brings a “moment of truth”

…………..The moment of truth When you try on your last years jeans and can’t get them past your expanding thighs

………The moment of truth When you’ve been on holiday in a white and beige rented flat and come home to your cluttered house and feel claustrophobic

……The moment of truth When little children call you Granny and you realize that it is yes yourself

The moment of truth When you’ve been by the sea where everything is blue, sky, sea, pool, blue striped T shirts and you come home to green countryside and get the blues

The moment of truth is when you Prepare a big bag of old clothes to throw away only to discover weeks later that you’ve mistakenly got rid of your brand new jacket that cost a fortune

The moment of truth is When you sit for hours trying to figure out something on your computer and a 9 year old shows it to you in one click 5 seconds

The moment of truth is when you say yes to a dinner invitation only to discover that you had already said yes to another person on the same night …. The moment of truth when you might have Alzeimhers

The moment of truth when you take time to make a list for shopping and get to the shops to find you’ve left it behind..

Our stories

When I was

Sarah's story When I was ... 4    Heidelburg, or dreams from childhood (28.01.2025, rev. 20.02.2025)   When I ...