
Monday, 2 May 2011

Good neighbours

The workers ;   HervĂ©, Jean Marie, Jacques, Vincent, Edouard, Gerard and Yves  all up at 7:30 on this Sunday holiday  morning to repair the next door neighbour’s  stone wall which had collapsed a few months ago.  The date for repair was set for the 1st of May traditionally a national holiday.   Stones were selected – measured and placed just at the right angle –ciment mixed to hold the joints.   Such solidarity is heart-warming to see.     This small village in Burgundy – about 150 people expanding to 180 during the summer months is a typical example French life.     Most young people have married and stayed on in the village either building their own house or restoring an old property belonging to their family.   So there reigns a lot of fellowship and camaraderie.   The “women” were invited to come over for the BBQ lunch and I arrived after having not done anything all morning.  Jean Marie’s barn

is at least 200 years old.

Was requisitioned - tables and chairs appeared

and we all sat down to a  feast.  The aperitif was the traditional “kir” which is redcurrant juice with white wine – small squares of patĂ© en croute, potato chips, pistaches, peanuts and home-made “merguez  sausages” which are made with porc or lamb and very spicy.   Chicken bits, pork chops and an amazing rice salad.     Epoisses cheese served at its best all runny and smelly  - several baguettes and good doses of red wine.      One of the kind wives had made little walnut cakes  to go with the coffee.   Then after this two hour break it was back to rebuilding the wall before all the cement dried.
What a wonderful way to celebrate May day.

Our stories

When I was

Sarah's story When I was ... 4    Heidelburg, or dreams from childhood (28.01.2025, rev. 20.02.2025)   When I ...