A client in tears yesterday at the shop. After months of embroidery labour, every stitch carefully and painstakingly finished, loving thoughts into each push of the needle - visions of a beautifully set table for a special occasion - a tablecloth for her grandchildren - first time in use a green candle was spilt over her hard work. My dear friend Michelle in the shop at the time saved the day by giving her this tip:
When you have a stain on your tablecloth whether it be red wine, oil from salad dressing or pot grease.
Before washing in a machine - pour ordinary washing-up liquid over the stain - rub in with hot water and small brush to massage it in thoroughly. Let it soak in for 15 minutes and then machine-wash as normal.
If, as in this case, it is candle wax. Harden the wax by rubbing with ice. Remove the surface wax by carefully scraping with the dull edge of a butter knife, if that doesn't work, you can try the next suggestion. Sandwich the wax stain between folded paper towels and press down lightly on top of the towel with a warm (not hot) iron. Replace the paper towels frequently to absorb more wax and to prevent transferring the stain to new areas. Continue as long as wax is being removed.
If you have a old yellow stain on your tablecloth, I have found that nature is the best bleacher. Hanging tablecloths from a clothesline or laying it outside on a sheet in the grass after washing will do a beautiful job of lightening these stains. Make sure that if you hang your tablecloth on the clothesline, you are not stretching the ends. Use several clothespins to hang it straight across the line.