
Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Writing Club The Old Man is Snoring ....

It was a warning when you started snoring
The beginning of a life -  boring
As it reached right down into the flooring 
And soared to the ceiling this grunting and groaning

As time went on you became less alluring 
I less admiring and aspiring
But it was alright as we were retiring`
And our passion was slowly expiring
We became perhaps a little less caring
I,  not charming
You still unhearing 
What —   No more glances, admiring
But can I bear the disappearing 
I fear to be too domineering

So on this Valentine’s day  2016
When I’m no longer a teen
Let’s have the big clean
Without making a scene,
And be more calming without perspiring
I’m imploring,  let’s be more conspiring 
This will be a little tiring ….
We’ll do a little restoring, hope the rain will soon stop pouring
And behold the old man will stop snoring
we can be more adoring 

Now you can all cut out the yawning

Our stories

When I was

Sarah's story When I was ... 4    Heidelburg, or dreams from childhood (28.01.2025, rev. 20.02.2025)   When I ...