
Wednesday, 16 February 2011

A most important decision

I have taken the decision to sell my shop.  It has been in my mind for ages - months and months actually - now the occasion has risen and my mind made up.    Even the date for takeover has been fixed.   AUGUST.  I first bought my "fond de commerce" in 1998 and have built it up to be a worthy business.   I should be feeling sad or panicky even "goodness what have I done" type feeling - but no none of that.     Lightheaded and free is how I describe feelings.
I am imagining the deckchair in the garden - birds singing - tea by my side -the BBC full blast - cakes in the oven - getting fatter and fatter with nothing to do.   Oh I have forgotten something vital - money - there will be less of this but  I am lucky enough to have a garden so I can grow carrots, potatoes and even have a chicken or two to keep me from starvation.  My friend Jean Marie will take me into the hills to pick champignons and truffles.
"Things to do" will be posted in the kitchen daily and I shall have several rolls of paper ready to receive the intended deeds.

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