The lady in the dressing room couldn’t figure out why her bras didn’t fit anymore. She complained they were too tight, gaps and bulges appeared where there shouldn’t and “I feel dowdy and uncomfortable”.
I showed her how to put her head straight, chin up– shoulders back with blades almost touching and keeping her feet apart but parallel with tummy in – breathing deeply her profile changed immediately. The bra fit properly and the difference was spectacular.
A perfect fitting bra ensures a slimmer shape and improved posture.
Wow ! We talked about the various advantages of good posture.
Not only that, but typically when you have good posture you will also feel better about yourself in general, so it carries through impacting more than just how other people see you. Feeling good about yourself will increase your mood levels.
Clothes will hang on your body correctly - creases, pleats and unsightly bulges disappear as you hold yourself upright. Trousers or jeans will fit better while sweaters won't sag and bag.
The next benefit to using good posture is increased airflow throughout the body. When we are not standing up straight, our lungs are not going to be able to take in as much air as they potentially could, as the chest does not open up. As much as 30% less oxygen will be getting to our brain and other cells.
Having good posture will decrease the risk of experiencing an injury since all the body parts will be in proper alignment. Let’s put this into practice. The oldest trick in the world is to place a book on your head while you walk. If the book slides, it means that your upper body is not steady.
This exercise is a great help in distributing the force of gravity over the body and it lowers the stress on your head and neck. Try to walk with a medium sized book on your head for ten minutes every day – it is harder than most people think and contributes a great deal to keeping one’s back straight and making the neck muscles stronger.
Stand tall. Shoulders back. Stomach in.