
Wednesday, 3 August 2011

A Republican Baptism

My daughter and son in law decided to baptise their baby daughter but didn't feel like involving the church.   There is in France what is called a baptême républicain also called a civil baptism.    This happens before the Maire of the village or town and is symbolic really as has no real value although the godparents are morally advised to overlook education, and teach the child republicain values until the age of 18.  The child receives a beautiful certificate and gives everyone the chance to get together and have a jolly good day.

En route for the Mairie this Saturday.

The smallest Mairie in France.

Gathering in front before the ceremony.

Léli Louise and Isabel.

Just enough room for the baptised to be girl and parents.

The dearest little shoe.

The cousins.

One happy baptised Adèle.

Opening of the presents after a simply sumptious lunch.

Then the serious business begins.  Tarot.
A wonderful day to remember forever.

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