
Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Assignment on two people divorcing then deciding not to after all

“You silly toad,” she said.   “You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“Look here at your reflection in this pond ;   skin as rough as n° 5  sandpaper,  an overstuffed pot belied tummy,  gross, repulsive and sagging  ……do  you really believe those prickly warts and slimy jaggy skin incrusted with mud and muck can still seduce at your age”?

She stuck out her tongue and swallowed a Daddy long legs  - whole.

It slithered down her throat.

Mr Toad gulped and drool dribbled down his brown speckled chest;   he was hungry.

“What have you got to say for yourself?”

Silver fish came up to drink the slimy dribble as it splashed into the water - he watched fascinated as the swirling matter disappeared in a swish

Mr Toad looked over at his wife - years had thickened her waist, wrinkled her warts - made her eyes bulb out and she couldn’t jump as high as before to catch his dinner - their conversation had diminished to croaky rasps and she wheezed in her sleep and kept him awake - 

“Oh my darling Mrs Toad, I love you but I just can’t help myself - young flesh is too hard to resist.”
“Mistress Toady lead me astray with her young moist skin, never ending slimy green legs and her tiny uneven warty bum and that long luminous tongue …..she sings a sinuous trill trill trill….”

“Enough! Enough”!   “Have you no memory - all those leaps and bounds to get you your favorite food - sitting on your eggs for hours on end and wearing out my claws washing your back”
“did you forget our  wedding held on the banks of the Goony pond  - all our river friends were there - swan, badger, weasel and otter, the duck family,  and even cricket came to congratulate us.  Our  fishy friends made my wedding dress ;   those silver scales shone with love” 
“Yes yes yes he enthused, I wore my best gold jacket spun with fireflies threads” 
“What about our tadpoles all grown up now into fine toadlets with families of their own…”.
“But I can’t resist her”
Toad bowed  ….
”So, therefore, ugh umm ….. I have the extreme dishonour of asking you for a …well a ….. divorce”…
 he croaked croakily…..
“We made a handsome couple but now its time to move on - a toads life is short and I want sweeter things”

“Well how about this for sweeter things then” …
Mrs Toad caught the biggest, largest, fattest damselfly with sapphire coloured stripes, intricate lace like wings and diamond eyes -  on the end of her tongue.
She held it just above Mr Toads nose - his eyes crossed,  it looked juicy and wriggled exposing its soft tender belly

His throat expanded pulsating
Oooh ..  “My Princess” he gulped,  saliva oozing out of his mouth

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