
Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Just a few more

Patrice story

Just a few more …

The box was so pretty.  A large gold lame bow was tied on the diagonal across the top.  It looked as though it had weight, substance, to it.  She gently lifted the lid off.  The inside was lined with gold foil and the contents were coved with bright red tissue paper that crinkled when she removed it.

In rows, six across and four down, marched a small army of delicious looking chocolates.  Each with a different top - a gold button here, an icing leaf in purple and green there, a swirl of gold on another.  The smell alone was enough to weaken her resolve to eat no chocolate this month.  She lifted the box to her face and sniffed deeply using her sense of smell to sort out the different flavors.  Anise, cloves, raspberry - she was sure it was raspberry - milk chocolate, dark chocolate.  She placed the box back on the table and backed away slowly as if threatened.  

A glass of water.  A quiet moment leaning against the sink as she watched the chocolates, working to find the strength it would take to put the lid back on and put the box somewhere where she could forget its existence.  At least for another two weeks.  She was sure she could see the smell rise in wavering lines like cartoon odors over the box and waft across the kitchen unerringly finding her nostrils, teasing her brain into craving, desire, even lust.

Eleanor threw up her hands and marched across the kitchen. With too much force she put the lid on the box, tucked the box into the pantry and slammed the door.  She took herself for a brisk walk around the block, half jogging, swinging her arms, singing to herself.  She had just a few more to lose before her fitting and she was determined to be successful.



Geraldines's story



The pen was dipping regularly into the turquoise  inkpot this week as David was trying to get his chapter finished before dawn.

He had started  his story, chapter after chapter trying to organize it the way he wanted his public to read it and discover his adventures one by one, country by country.

Five years ago, after a traumatic separation with the woman he had so dearly loved, he went constantly and regularly down a slope that  seemed never to stop.  Maybe suicide would end it ! but then, he was full of mixed feelings about life and knew deep inside there is a border never to be crossed. It would be irreversible

His friends who were very miserable to see him in such a state – and all because of a woman- decided to offer him a bicycle and a map with the beginning of a World Tour, the first steps taking him down to the Mediterranean Sea and countries surrounding it

This seemed to be working : David started getting up and out of bed before midday, looking at himself in a mirror, brushing his hair and teeth again, watching out for cleaner clothes, cutting his damaged or torn trousers into bermudas and hopping on his bike to go here and there, and mainly to the Library to consult touristic guides and sophisticated maps. He would spend hours trying to make up where he would start  from, which was obvioulsy somewhere in Burgundy and how long he would cycle each day, and what would be the neetest and most practical places to spend his nights in.

He needed just a little more confidence, so he thought it might be a good idea to start on a trip where he would meet other people and decided to begin on the long St James of Compostelle routes to learn what traveling is all about.  Once his bag was fully packed with the lightest possible clothes and items he couldn’t do without, he gathered once more with his friends, sharing a few pints of beer and departed from Vezelay where a lot of the pilgrims meet.

That got him started : a new life, new horizons, new habits. Cycling day in, day out, trying to find himself, discover who he was, what life meant to him, where the other people he met fitted in his life and why it was worth carrying on with.

Some days, his bum was haching, his legs felt stiff and heavy, his lungs compressed as if he were choking, his face and eyes burnt by the sun.  Other days, he would be soaking wet wondering when he would have to stop and how he could find a dry place to spend the night.

The apprenticeship was hard but rich in experiences and by the time he reached Santiago di Compostella, he felt already another man.  He crossed over to the Mediterreanian and felt like aA man who wanted to continue the trip, meeting people who looked different, spoke other languages but with whom he could communicate in a universal way.  People who would teach him all the indispensable things one doesn’t learn at school or at home. Coming accross various climates, cycling through forests, villages, small towns, streches of sand, climbing to different altitudes, looking at the nature, the birds, the animals, feeling the wind, dipping your head under storms, showers, watching the clouds, hoping for rainbows….

And here he is, 5 years later, putting pen to paper, chapter after chapter, the accumulated countries visited, the chains of mountains climbed, the deserts crossed, the continents crossed over.

He knows, never again, will he get driven down by other people, torn inside, or pulled aback : he is part of the world, he knows the earth so well, he’s so small, thus so aware of who he is, what the others mean to him and what his life, so unique, is worth.

Ans now he’s back, writing at his desk, for he wants to get the book finished and published as a tribute to his palls who stopped him from drowning and showed him the way to himself with his bicycles because he must most certainly have gone through at least 3 dozens!





 Paula's story

Just a few more breaths to take,

In the quiet hush, bodies quake. 
Moments linger like the softest glow,
Whispers of dreams that gently flow.

Just a few more stars to see
Above the vast and endless sea;
Night unfolds its velvet quilt,
Stitching time with threads of gilt.

Just a few more steps to tread
On the paths where hopes once led.
Through the shadows we all roam,
Seeking solace, finding home.

Just a few more words to share,
A tender touch, a softened care.
In the space where silence lies,
Love flourishes and thrives.

Just a few more years to live,
To gather all we’ve yet to give.
For in each moment, fleeting, pure,
Life whispers, “Just endure.”

So take a breath and hold it tight,
Just a few more dreams to ignite,
Through the darkness and the light,
We find our way: Infinite flight.
Jackie's story

She put her foot on the stair of the first of 100 metal steps and it moved a little under her weight -  she didn’t pay attention too much as she was climbing behind her friend – her best friend.  The total opposite to herself, Enid was loud, extrovert and could convince anyone to do anything with her charm and chatter.    She was that kind of happy person interested in people, engaging and a real conversation maker,  she could make friends with a brick wall.   She oozed confidence and everyone felt safe in her company.       She dreamt of becoming an influencer on social media.

  It was this personality that attracted Jasmin, they say opposites attract,  well this was certainly the case.   She, shy, reserved and mostly liked to keep to herself – worked independantly didn’t go out much but from time she succombed to her friends wims and this was the perfect example.

They had had extreme adventures together before, always the thrill of doing something Jasmin would never ever had dreamt of doing by herself and was always drawn in by Enid’s enthusiasm and sense of confidence.    There was that time they had convinced the bus driver to have a stopover for a coffee –as he left the bus for a few minutes they ambushed it and drove it round in circles to the horrified passengers on board.     Another time they had worn bear costumes and scared passers by in Main street causing a pile up of confused drivers


A few days ago Enid had proposed that she go along with an adventure which had seemed intriguing at first and when she had thought about it more dangerous but had agreed to go along with it anyway.   You couldn’t refuse Enid and her enthusiasm.


Near  to where they lived up on a hill, there were Antenna – providing electricity and telecommunications for the whole of the county.   A steel staircase wound up to the very top of the 500 meters inside a metal shaft.

Its going to be fabulous cried Enid – we’ll climb up and take  selfies at the top, post them and we’ll be famous and everyone will be in awe of what we did.   

So they started up – there was a sign saying beware ‘mort subite’ but as Enid reassured her we are wearing our sneakers and so no danger with rubber on our feet.

Halfway up Jasmin looked down and felt queasy – dizziness overtook her and she clung to the stairs wrapping her arms around the railings gathering courage to move upwards;

Enid was higher slithering up like a squirrel being chased by a dog.   Come on up its wonderful the view is amazing – we’re going to be super influencers on the internet and earn lots and lots of money -   we’re going to be rich.  Think of all those boring people in their houses not daring to do anything fun they’ll pay to watch us.      Yipee     “Just a few more….” she screamed as the metal stair which had rusted with age gave way and she fell the full length of the antenna sparks flying catching her clothes and sent her convulsing body  screaming to her death with her  just a “few more …st..airs  “ echoing in the distance


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